Tuesday, September 29, 2009

drawing in progress #5

drawing in progress 5

missed 12.57 to the City
Caught 106 home

drawing in progress #4

drawing in progress


Monday, September 28, 2009


we just might have started our errant trajectories
keep an eye out for them at wordpress in the future now

Dear Sir,

Just a quickie to let you know I received, with much pleasure, your cock in the mail yesterday! Thank you! I'm just putting it in now for a random Hollywood Scarlet & Gold ride to the 13th Floor..... (elevators ...mmmmHhhmmmm!) What a nice surprise! And you have such neat hand writing too! Thank you, thank you!

( I am sorry! )

I know I've been a bit....(I don't know what) --- off tap? Maybe too it was 'coz I hadn't drawn anything yet? Soooooooo... (moving on..) how's about something along the lines of the image attached to this email? Same but different? It's all just *so* curious, obsessive. Obsessed. Will you be brutal again do you think?

Anyway, here's deep-throating with ya kid!

Eternally Yours,

syphilis ridden space cadet xx

drawing in progress #3


Sunday, September 27, 2009

drawing in progress

Leaving the Mausoleum

 drawing in progress

its so clean in here

and its oh so much better than those other places ive been
and your oh so much nicer though, your hands and your eyes are unseen

except in my dream.
in the crystal clear.

its all so barbara cartland.....
wheels are spinning in my heartland.....

striding the big grey black and white
streaking with greasers late in the night

putting it out there
stepping it out
hitting the high street
gone roundabout

its all in the foot move
its all in the walk
hits into the hip groove
all money all talk
its all in the pavement
its all in the soup

its just like a dream in here
fuck i gotta get clean of here

lov/err my tracks!